1. What can I report?
If you suspect that a person is being exploited (that is to say a person is forced to do something against his or her will, either through threat of force, deception, fraud or abuse), you can report the observed elements of crime.
You can also contact us if you are affected yourself. We are happy to put you in touch with the appropriate support service.
2. What can I do in the event of an emergency?
Please dial 117 (emergency number for police) in the event of an emergency.
3. What constitutes a criminal offense?
Human trafficking is a criminal act. If a person is forced to do sexual acts, work or to have an organ removed, then another person makes a profit from that. This is called human trafficking. Human trafficking is a crime in Switzerland.
If a provider, a facilitator or a customer of human trafficking is convicted by a court of law, then that person is punished by fine or by prison sentence and a fine.
Furthermore, it is not relevant whether the offender committed the crime in Switzerland or abroad. Human trafficking is punishable in either case!
See also: Swiss Criminal Code, Article 182, on page Trafficking in human beings
Exploitative procuration is a crime!
Everyone who forces another person into prostitution is committing a crime. Force is also exercised if it is dictated when, where or at what price a sex worker needs to work. Pimps are punished with a fine or a prison sentence up to ten years. See also: Swiss Criminal Code, Article 195, Expoitation of sexual acts, encouraging of prostitution
4. What happens with the reports?
The trained team of the National Hotline evaluates all reports. If possible, the reports are forwarded to the appropriate authorities or responsible (victim counselling) services. Victims are put in touch with appropriate support services.
Your report can help to clarify an existing case or open a new case.
5. How can I be sure that the report stays anonymous?
If you submit an online report you are being redirected to a secure server that encrypts your report. We will not be able to see who sent us the information. Therefore, you will not receive a reply from us unless you leave your contact details with a request to get in touch. (see point 8).
If you call us on the Hotline 0840 212 212, your phone number will be hidden.
6. How does the online report work?
Follow the questions on the online report; provide as much detail as possible and then click on “submit”.
7. EXIT Button
If you need to immediately exit the online report for any reason, click on the EXIT button to hide the page. You will be taken to the Google homepage. Everything you filled in, will be deleted and you will have to complete the online report again.
8. I would like to receive a reply / I would be available for further Questions.
At the end of the online report you can answer the following question with yes or no, “Do you want that ACT212 may contact you?”. If you choose yes, you can leave us an e-mail address or a phone number. We will then contact you. Please note that these personal details will remain with the National Hotline of ACT 212 only and not be relayed to any third party.
9. I do not want to stay anonymous.
In this case we suggest that you report directly to the police or contact a counselling service. If you are not sure whom to contact, please feel free to ask for our prior advice.
10. Who works at the National Hotline?
The National Hotline against Human Trafficking and Exploitation is operated by the NGO (non-governmental organisation) ACT212. It is not a police hotline. It is serviced by trained civilians and not by police officers.